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When you need something
sorted out regarding vehicle in teh ALicante area, you go
Jefatura Provincial De Tráfico, Calle San Juan Bosco
12, Alicante - tlf 96 512 54 66 |
Here you will first stand in line to the information desk,
where you will receive the proper forms and payment slip,
depending on your needs. Then you'll have to stand in a
new line to the casher (Caja) to pay. Remember that they
close at 13:00 and that they only accept cash payment.
After you have paid you will be given a number for a new
line to get your papers. This whole process takes many
hours, almost a whole day, so bring a good book!
They only speak Spanish at this office, and if you don't
have the right papers with you, you will be turned away.
The golden rule is to always bring the original and a copy
of either your residencia card or passport/NIE number and
"padron" (see pages for "spanish paperworks").
It is always better to have a paper too much than too
little, and it's wise to bring the original and a copy of
your drivers' license, receipt for paid SUMA, ITV papers,
car registration, and any other papers concerning the
vehicle. It isn't expensive to make copies, and just
across the street are places where you can have copies
made. In addition you will, of course, need the correct
application forms - and a passport picture where needed.
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